375SQFT is an emerging interior design magazine publisher dedicated to providing innovative solutions for individuals living in limited spaces in Metro Vancouver.

Our mission is to deliver valuable information, curate product catalogues, and insightful style guides that empower readers to transform their homes.
my role
As the designer of a team of 5, my role in this project was to establish the brand design language, layout design, web design, and slide deck design.
Brand design, Graphic Design, Layout Design, Web Design
October 2022 - December 2022
The Problem
As more Vancouverites' are adapting to the urban lifestyle, the space where they call "home" is getting smaller and smaller. We place our focus on providing professionally curated information on small space living. As an informative social media platform, we plan to feature graphic and video contents providing concise and easily digestible information.
The Logo
“375 SQFT” would be considered very small when looking for housing near the metros of Vancouver nowadays. With small spaces, comes some pros, and some cons. Our magazine aims to provide inspiration and solution to those cons. Creating a logo, we wanted to imply multiple meanings into it: visual representation of “SQFT” and space efficiency.

Sqft, being used as measurement of homes, was illustrated with an isometric cube. The perspective and the evenness of a cube provides an organized feeling. But an isometric cube, just by changing our perspective slightly, can change how we see the cube.
Fonts & Colors
Our magazine is an interior design magazine from Canada for young singles or couples. The style of magazines should be simple, fashionable and comfortable, so we looked into low-saturated, yet bright and vibrant colors.

In the layout of the magazine content, our goal is to let readers' attention on the product. The choice of font will be very concise, modern and easy to read. Lato is our header font and Futura has been chosen as our body font. Both are clean Sans serif fonts that make it easy for readers to read and receive information efficiently.
pantone 7419 C
pantone 5477 C
pantone 3375 C
In the final design showcase, we created mock ups of the logo usage, magazine designs, advertisement designs, and web designs.